
First Chair Syrup

“It is a great opportunity to have local restaurants serving Killington syrup. It creates a unique experience for the guests and locals alike.” —Colton Blackman, First Chair Syrup


The Karr Group is celebrating its partnership with Killington based sugaring company, First Chair Syrup. The family-owned and operated business collaborated with The Karr Group to promote a sense of community within the town. 

Colton Blackman and his wife, Katie, have been sugaring for five years in what started off as a hobby. 15 buckets and a turkey boiler have now evolved into 800 taps and growing. First Chair Syrup has announced that the company will relocate to land behind Charity’s 1887 Saloon that is owned by Chris Karr. Within the next year, all of the sugaring company’s operations will be moved to the new land allowing local establishments to provide visitors maple syrup that was created on the access road. Within The Karr Group, The Foundry at Summit Pond, Charity’s 1887 Saloon, and Mad Hatter’s Scoops will all use the Killington syrup. 

Pancakes and waffles are a thing of the past in 2019. Guests of each establishment can enjoy fresh, hometown syrup in a variety of ways including maple brussel sprouts, maple sauces, and maple infused cocktails among others. 

“It is a great opportunity to have local restaurants serving Killington syrup. It creates a unique experience for the guests and locals alike” said Colton.

The syrup is produced locally, allowing visitors to know exactly where their syrup came from- no mixed sources, just the highest quality imaginable. Since this is a small operation, there’s the ability for quality control at its finest. Each batch is tested and tasted to make sure the product is something First Chair Syrup can stand by. 
